Welcome to tuxracer.com, the official site of Tux Racer 1.0!


Tux Racer Arcade!
Thursday, November 14th, 2024

Yes, coming soon to an arcade near you! Developed in cooperation with Roxor Games and manufactured by Innovative Concepts in Entertainment, Tux Racer Arcade sets a new standard for arcade redemption games.

Take a look at the new arcade cabinet.

Tux Racer 1.1.1 Linux Patch
Sunday, September 22nd, 2002

The Tux Racer 1.1.1 Patch for Linux has been officially released, and is available from the Downloads section.
Tux Racer Price Reduced!
Monday, September 9th, 2002

Tux Racer is now available for the new low price of $14.99! If you’ve been putting off buying Tux Racer, now is the time to take advantage of this exceptional value! Order today!
Tux Racer is Now Shipping!
Tuesday, February 5th, 2002

It’s here! We received the first complete sample from manufacturing today and we’re happy to say that the box, manual and CD look great! Orders are already being packed and most pre-orders should be sent out today or tomorrow.

To celebrate Tux Racer’s official release, we’re extending the special pre-order price. The US$24.99 price will only remain in effect through this weekend, though, so don’t delay and order now!
Tux Racer 1.1 Demo Available!
Monday, February 4th, 2002

Sunspire Studios is pleased to announce the release of the Tux Racer 1.1 demo. The demo contains a level from three different cups from the full version of the game. Both Windows 98/ME/XP/2000 and Linux versions are available for download.

You can download the demo from one of the mirrors in our downloads section.
Tux Racer Desktop Wallpaper!
Thursday, January 24th, 2002

Decorate your desktop with Tux Racer! New wallpaper images are available in our downloads section. You can choose from four different sizes and three different images.

Also, we are putting the finishing touches on a new Tux Racer demo (versions will be available for both Linux and Windows). We expect to release it on Monday, so check back soon!
Tux Racer Pre-Orders!
Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

We are now taking pre-orders for Tux Racer 1.0! Visit our purchase page to place an order in our secure online store. Order now to take advantage of our special pre-order price of US$24.99 (regular price US$29.99)!

You will receive a complete Tux Racer package including CD (with Linux and Windows versions), 16-page manual, in a full-color retail box.

We expect boxes to ship in the first week of February. Your credit card will not be charged until the product is shipped to your address.

Update (1:00 PM EST): Some users were having difficulty ordering using Internet Explorer; this problem has now been resolved. You may need to close all open IE windows and start a new IE session to fix the problem.
Tux Racer Screenshot gallery! Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

We’ve posted several pages of Tux Racer screenshots to our screenshots section — check them out!

Launch of Tux Racer 1.0 Web Site
Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

To mark the official release of Tux Racer 1.0, we are launching a new web site devoted to everyone’s favorite penguin racing game! We hope you like the changes; please send our webmaster a note if you have any comments.

Please note that we will continue to host the open-source releases of Tux Racer with SourceForge at the URL http://tuxracer.sourceforge.net.

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